
Showing posts from 2024

Aroostook State Park, North Peak Quoddy Jo Mountain (Presque Isle)

Penobscot Narrows Observatory State Park & Fort Knox State Historic Site (Prospect)

Ferry Beach State Park (Saco)

Lamoine State Park

Swan Lake State Park

Cutts Island Trail, Rachel Carson NWR (Kittery)

Kennebec River Rail Trail (Hallowell)

New Mexico Trip

Baxter State Park - Abol Stream, Foss and Knowlton, Lost Pond, Daicey Pond, and Grassy Pond Trails and Park Tote Road

Bangor Water Works Road and attempt at Woodchuck Hill (Eddington)

Southern California Trip (Joshua Tree National Park and Santa Rosa and San Jacinto National Monument)

Partridge and Ducktail Ponds, Amherst Mountains Community Forest (Amherst)

Buck Cove Mountain Trail and Schoodic Bike Path (Acadia National Park)

Baxter State Park (Rum Pond, Abol Falls and Kettle Ponds Trails and Abol Campground)

Katahdin Woods and Waters & Baxter State Park Camping Trip