Baker Hill (Sullivan) and Schoodic Head (Acadia NP)

My younger son and I hiked Baker Hill and Schoodic Head today.

Baker Hill Preserve

Baker Hill is a small but beautiful 58 acre forested preserve owned and managed by the Frenchman Bay Conservancy that features granite ledges that overlook Mount Desert Island.   It was foggy today so views were limited but we still had an amazing time.  There are a number of trails in Baker Hill Preserve and the adjacent Long Ledges Preserve.  For more information visit the Frenchman Bay Conservancy's website at

Here is a map of our hike.


Schoodic Head

Schoodic Head is small compared to other mountains in Acadia National Park, but it provides a fun, moderately challenging hike which on a nice day would provide amazing views.

We took the East Trail to the summit and then descended on the Anvil Trail, returning to our car by walking along the road.  The East Trail is only 1/2 mile from the parking to the summit, but is steep at times.  The Anvil Trail is longer but also has steep sections.

Here is a map of our hike.

As we were returning to our car, the fog that plagued us the entire time began to lift.
