Thanksgiving Hike at Penobscot Shore Preserve (Prospect)

This year I'm having a pretty low key Thanksgiving, so decided to take a hike at the relatively new Penobscot Shore Preserve and enjoy the fresh fallen snow.  The preserve is managed by the Coastal Mountain Land Trust and was established in 2017 thanks to a generous land donation.  It features a short 1 mile loop trail leading through woods and down to the shore of the Penobscot River.  The trail is well blazed and has new signage.  Here is a trail map of today's hike.

Its hard to hike on Thanksgiving and not think about all that I have to be thankful for in my life - my health, healthy and happy kids, good family and friends, and a good job.

Hiking through the preserve also made me consider how thankful I am for people such as Elizabeth Wemett - whose land donation made this preserve possible - and the many land trusts throughout the state that are actively engaging in promoting and managing similar preserves.  The Penobscot Shore Preserve consists of 47 acres of waterfront property with 1,800 feet of forested shorefront which could have easily been sold for development, but instead Ms. Wemett chose to gift the property and preserve the land for others to use.

For more information on the Coastal Mountain Land Trust, visit
