Bike Ride - Route 2 from Milford to Greenbush

Route 2 north of Old Town is flat, straight, lightly traveled and has a decent shoulder most of the way to Howland (with the exception of a short stretch).  It runs alongside the Penobscot River much of the way. 

Last summer my son and I completed a 50 mile round trip ride from Old Town to Howland.  Today my son needed to run 18 miles so we selected Route 2 from Milford to Greenbush for the run while I rode and supported him. 

Here is a map of today's ride.

Route 2 runs alongside the Penobscot River part of the way

This was a nice little area at around the halfway point where I stopped and stretched my legs

A view of the river from one of two boat ramps on our route

View showing the wide shoulders and proximity of the river
