Snowshoeing Alder Stream Preserve (Atkinson)

Disclaimer: I hadn't planned on snowshoeing Alder Stream Preserve this morning.  I've visited the 7,200 acre preserve on two other occasions and greatly enjoyed hiking the area but intended on hiking a different trail further away.  As I was driving I noticed a parking lot and trailhead for Alder Stream that I wasn't aware of, so changed plans and decided to explore the new (for me at least) trailhead.  

The trailhead parking lot was well plowed.  This is a nice, well marked trail to snowshoe on.  The relatively flat trail travels through woodlands to a clearing and ultimately what looks like a wetland area (it was hard to tell as it was covered with snow).  There was one other set of human tracks but I did not see any people on my hike.  

Here is a map of my two mile hike.  
