Winhall Brook Campground (Vermont) and Two New York Wildlife Preserves (Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge and Utica Marsh Wildlife Management Area/NYS Canalway)

I left Ledgeworth Sunday morning and began heading home to Maine.  

Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge

Around 90 minutes into my drive, I stopped at the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge, conveniently located off of I-90.  The refuge was a great place to stop for a quick walk.  I took the mostly gravel one mile Seneca Trail, stopping to enjoy the wildlife observation tower along the way.  

Utica Marsh Wildlife Management Area and Erie Canalway Trail - Utica 

I drove another 90 minutes and stopped to explore the Utica Marsh State Wildlife Management Area.  A two mile walk on the Erie Canal and preserve roadway brings you to an observation platform with views of the wetland.  

Standing on the viewing platform, I was encouraged to see geese and ducks resting in the marsh.  I imagine had I come earlier in the day there would have been significantly more birds there.  At first I was put off by the proximity to major roads and shopping areas, but then realized this was a good use of marshland, providing valuable habitat to migratory birds.  

Winhall Brook Camping Area

I finished the day at a stream-side lean-to at the Winhall Brook Camping Area.  This is a beautiful, clean and well-run campground that is part of the larger Army Corp of Engineers Ball Mountain Lake Recreation Area.  The lean-to was spacious and clean.  The campground has flush toilets, hot showers, an area to wash dishes and other amenities.  

Addendum: If you've been following my last few posts, you are probably wondering what happened on the 5th and final day of my trip. Sadly nothing blog worthy (replacing the battery in my car and visiting a friend in Southern Maine.) 
