Fields Pond Aububon Center - Lake Shore Trail

I hiked the Lake Shore Trail at Fields Pond Audubon Center this morning before work.  I accessed the trail via the mowed path behind the visitor center.  The mowed path leads to a wooden boardwalk leading through a grassy wetland and then the Lake Shore Trail.

The Lake Shore Trail provides views of Fields Ponds.  The end of the trail is not marked and connects to a well defined trail that continues to Brewer Lake.

Mosquitoes were plentiful and the tall grass provides a good habitat for ticks, so proper dress and bug repellent are highly recommended.

Here is a map of my hike.

View of Fields Pond from Lake Shore Trail
Board path leading from mowed path to Lake Shore Trail
Mowed path leading from Visitor Center/Parking Lot to Fields Pond

Path leading to Brewer Lake
Map generated using Caltopo in case the above map link doesn't work.


  1. We also take the loop trail up the hill, nice short hike, and a beautiful setting. These trails are also excellent in the winter for snow shoeing, we go often.


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