Dixmont Trails - Center Pond Public Access Trail and Wellmans Pond Road

My younger son and I decided to explore Dixmont this afternoon.  Here is a map of our hikes.

We started at the Center Pond Public Access Trail off of Western Avenue.  This is a short (0.2 mile round trip) trail that leads to Center Pond, a small but scenic pond.  The trail head is well marked with a wooded sign, although parking is right off of Western Avenue.  There is a bench near where the trail meets the pond.  

After our short hike, we noticed a road nearby and decided to see if there were any trails in that area.  We decided to walk on Wellmans Pond Road, which although technically a road is more like a trail and not heavily traveled (there was one pickup truck parked around 1/4 mile in, its owner presumably hunting nearby).  Wellmans Pond Road, also known as Old Route 9, was once paved but the pavement is breaking up in parts and missing in other areas.  It is straight and slightly hilly, traveling through woods and offering obstructed views of Wellmans Pond.  Monk Cemetary is located off the road with headstones from the 1800's.  

