Winter Cabin Camping at Little Dyer Pond Cabin, Hidden Valley Nature Center (Jefferson)

This weekend my sons and I went cabin camping at Hidden Valley Nature Center with the boy scouts.  In addition to the three of us, we were joined by one other adult and two other scouts.

We stayed in the Little Dyer Pond Cabin which was well insulated and heated with a wood stove.   The cabin had two cots and sufficient room for everyone to set up on the floor.  There is additional space up in the loft which we didn't need to utilize, but which could have comfortably fit at least four more people.

The cabin rental includes wood for the wood stove and a small propane stove (BYO propane).   There is a small detached outhouse with pit toilet which is very clean (as far as pit toilets go).   There is no electricity in the cabin and cell service can be spotty.   

The cabin has large scenic windows that overlook Little Dyer Pond.  There is also fire pit with benches and two picnic tables.   In the summer, there is a boat ramp with canoes which can be used free of charge if renting the cabin.

There was a mile and a half hike in to the cabin over mostly flat (a few small hills) ground.  It had snowed during the previous week but the snow was packed down on the trail and allowed us to use sleds to transport our camping gear in. 

The trip itself was very enjoyable.  We hadn't planned any activities despite it being the shortest day of the year, so the boys spent the majority of time playing card games, laughing and talking.

For more information about the Pond Cabin at the Hidden Valley Nature Center, visit its website here.

