Snowshoeing Evans Notch, White Mountain National Forest

Today I went on a 3.3 mile snowshoe hike on the closed portion of Route 113 in Evans Notch, White Mountains National Forest.  Around 15-18" of fresh snow fell yesterday and the area was in pristine condition.

The USFS closes Route 113 to vehicle traffic in the winter.  I started from the north end of Route 113 and there was ample space to park near the gate.

There was no sign that anyone had used the section that I hiked on today until I got to Hastings (at which point snowmobile tracks came in from the trail that crosses the bridge at that point).

This was a scenic place to snowshoe as there were views of the river the entire way, along with occasional views of mountains in the distance.  I had hoped to see a moose but no such luck today.

Here is the trail map
