Sandy Stream Division, Sunkhaze National Wildlife Refuge (Unity)

The Sunkhaze Meadows National Wildlife Refuge maintains two small satellite units in Benton and Unity, Maine.  Today I explored the 58 acre Sandy Stream Division in Unity.  There was limited information about the Sandy Stream unit on the internet, although I did find a map in a 2013 management plan.  

The Town of Unity maintains a parking lot at the south end of the unit, and a USFWS kiosk is located at the edge of the property.  Snowmobile trail ITS 85 runs through the center of the property, and I followed it for a half mile before heading off trail towards Sandy Stream.  The snowmobile trail was overgrown and not well maintained, likely due to the lack of sufficient snow this winter, but it provided a path through the refuge.  Once I left ITS 85, I followed a frozen stream and a series of game trails back to the parking lot.  

Here is a map of my hike. 
