Bowden Point Easement (Prospect)

The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife maintains an easement at the end of Bowden Point Road in Prospect that is open to the public.  I explored the area today, hiking a little over a mile down to the Penobscot River and back.  

There is little signage to indicate that this is even public land, other than a knocked over sign on Bowden Point Road and a yellow IFW "No Dumping" sign on the trail itself.  There also does not appear to be marked trails, although there are old grown over dirt roads on the property.  

After parking in the paved two car lot, I headed past large boulders marking the end of the road and continued straight on what initially was an old road.   The trail ended shortly thereafter so I followed a rough path through the woods (I realized on the way back I should have veared to the right on the way down, which would have connected me with a better trail).  

Eventually I found my way to the Penobscot River shoreline at a point abutting marked private property.  Getting to the shoreline while avoiding trespassing required a brief but manageable scramble down a short hill.  

This was an excellent walk through the woods leading to beautiful views from the shoreline.  Here is a map of my hike and here is a video taken from the shoreline.  
