Acadia Bike & Camping Trip (Hio Truck Road, Seawall Campground, Little Long Pond Preserve and Carriage Road Biking)

We did a bike-focused camping trip at Acadia this weekend, camping at Seawall Campground and biking the Hio Truck Road (also known as the Hio Road) and Acadia's carriage roads.  We also briefly stopped at Little Long Pond Preserve.  

Hio Truck Road

After arriving at Seawall Campground, we parked at our campsite and rode on the Hio Truck Road.  The Hio Road is roughly 2 miles long (4 miles roundtrip) and runs from the Seawall group campsites to Bass Harbor Road.  Although the trail lacks spectacular views, it provided an opportunity to bike Acadia without crowds (we did not see anyone else on the trail).   

Seawall Campground, D Loop

We camped in D loop, which are considered "hike in" sites.  Our site was around 75 feet from the parking lot and within very close proximity of several surrounding campsites (I could here people talking quietly in their tents).   This was a sharp contrast to the secluded hike in sites at Schoodic, but we were happy to stay in the park nonetheless.

Little Long Pond Preserve

We hadn't planned on stopping at Little Long Pond Preserve, but while driving from Seawall to Jordan Pond we were struck by how beautiful Penobscot Mountain looked in the distance as we drove by.   During our brief hike we spotted a large buck feeding in a field.

Carriage Roads 

The highlight of our trip was a 17.2 mile bike ride on Acadia's carriage roads.   We started at Jordan Pond, rode north on Park Loop Road until joining the carriage roads before Bubble Brook.   We then road past Eagle Lake, park headquarters, Aunt Betty Pond, and Upper Hadlock Pond.   We saw few people except around Eagle Lake, Parkman Mountain and Jordan Pond.   
