Kayaking Souadabscook Stream south of Etna Pond (Carmel)

 Ryan and I kayaked the Souadabscook Stream from Damascus Landing north to Etna Pond this morning.  

Damascus Landing is a relatively new boat launch and was created in 2019.  It has ample parking, picnic tables and a trash can, and a paved boat ramp.  The stream south of this location is clogged with a beaver dam, so you can only go north.  

The stream is wide and slow moving with marsh grass on both sides.  We spotted numerous song birds, including large numbers of red wing blackbirds, a bald eagle, a couple of beaver lodges and what may have been a river otter den.  

The total distance from the boat launch to the entrance to Etna Pond was roughly 3 miles round-trip.  Here is a map of our trip.  
