Hancock County Camping and Hiking Trip (Lamoine State Park, Simon Trail Preserve and Blue Horizons Preserve)

My son and I did an overnight camping trip at Lamoine State Park, during which I hiked while he climbed at Volta Climbing Gym.   

Simon Trail Preserve (Lamoine)

The Simon Trail is a 1.2 mile long trail on 70 acres of land protected by easement by the Frenchman's Bay Conservancy.  

I visited the Simon Trail Friday after dropping my son off at Volta.  This was a nice, relatively easy walk through a pine forest blanketed with ferns and mosses.  I was the only person at the preserve.

Lamoine State Park

Lamoine State Park is a 55 acre oceanfront park offering camping, fishing and a boat ramp. The park is a short distance from Mount Desert Island.

After hiking and climbing we set up camp at the park.  We had a quiet night with good weather.  

Blue Horizons Preserve (Mount Desert Island)

Located on the western side of Mount Desert Island, the Maine Coast Heritage Trust's 82-acre Blue Horizons Preserve features small meadows surrounded by a maturing spruce forest and bordered with a sweeping cobble beach. 

This was a beautiful 1.5 mile hike and again I had the preserve to myself Saturday morning.  To be able to hike two locations near Acadia on Labor Day weekend without seeing another person was amazing.   

